Each issue is sold at the price of RM5.00 where by you will get a copy
of the zine PLUS a copy of Liverache demo tape! Please...we stop selling the previous issue
once there is a new issue out. But I'm telling you that each issue has lots of
intersting stuff. Make sure you get each issue!
Local Scene #6
January, 2000.
RM2.00 + 50c stamp. Or
RM5.00 for 1 Liverache demo tape + 1 Local Scene zine!
With a newly fresh outlook, this new issue
looks good in the
inside too! How ever, it still remains doing what it loves most:
Bringing out new and talented local bands and zines!
Here are what it has for you...
Circa Melee . Narrator . Knickerbockers . Mosh . Peace Of Nimonic .
In Unison . Seven Collar T-Shirt . Shattered Dreams . Spirakel .
Restricted Overripe . Slicepin Daze . Private Whizz
An Exclusive Interview With
T i a n C h u a
As always:Flyers . Articles . Pictures