Heilloo and welcome to the newly updated home page of Local Scene
zine! Malaysia's music scene zine! The last time I updated this page was
in January this century. Now that the zine has just released
its new issue (thank God), it's time to refresh!
In this episode there are more reviews on demo tapes and zines being added and
...new pictures and links! Hahay...isnt that good new or what?!
Sooo....what say you just skip my mumbling and start supporting our local talents!
Just click the icons below to find out more! Contact the bands and zines!
Call them to play gigs! Read lots of articles! GO to gigs and have clean fun!
That's all from me now. Please send your stuff to:
Local Scene
105 Jalan 6/29,
46000 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor D.E,
Khalil.Z - editor.